1st August 2018, marked Dikonia’s 6th year as a company and a family of IT professionals – as we like to call it. While the company is still young, it has grown quite a lot.

From a dream, an ambition, sought by our founder Chhavi Firani, the company grew like a flower and has been blooming since its seed was sown.

It all started when Chhavi thought of quitting her 9 year long job and decided to take that critical step in her life – starting her own company. Read about it in this LinkedIn post from her profile!

It may sound small but it’s a feat worth appreciation and honor. As she says, “following your dreams and working hard to fulfill them, is what we do at Dikonia.”

So, you could probably guess by now that we had a great party to go along with such a great achievement. And yes, we did! Here are some glimpses from the Dikonia’s 6th Anniversary Day.

Half Day to Begin With

Although it was the party day, it’s hard to tell the same to our clients. Hence, we called it a half day at the office. Everyone checked their work status and quickly completed the all-so-important tasks for the day. The excitement for the party and the lifted morale could be seen on everyone’s faces. Just before heading into the party, we made sure that none of the projects would go off-time due to it.

Mark your Watches at 6!

Everyone was asked to mark their watches at 6 PM for the party… but it turned out that only our host and Human Resource Officer – Nancy had paid attention. She prepared the venue for the fun that was soon to follow. She was right there at 6 and the team… well, arrived just an hour late. Just ONE hour late at 7 PM. Exactly one hour less late than the previous party!

But when they did enter the venue, everyone made sure that the stage was set on fire! The girls had taken out their best party dresses and the boys were also killing it with their charm.

We all congratulated Chhavi ma’am and Sajal Sir (co-founder of Dikonia) and their families with a loud applause! It was their moment to feel special for all the hard-work and forbearance they have been puttin in for years.

Time to hit the Floor!

Whosoever coined the phrase, “Party like there’s no tomorrow”, should have seen team Dikonia dancing to the beats of the DJ on the floor. Each one of us made sure that we left behind any kind of tiredness from the office and had fun to our fullest! Check out here to see our girl’s performing at the eve.

As the rush of the moment settled down, Nancy again took the stage to start off with individual performances by everyone.


So, to add even more to the fun, everyone had been preparing performances for the night. You must would have seen our party prep posts on Facebook and by now everyone was ready to light up the night!

Here were the results for the same!

Chhavi ma’am announced the results for the performances and yes, we had some amazing prizes to be handed out to the winners. After all, the preparations must be awarded!

Stars of the Night

Manpreet, Anupam and Mukesh – Just amazed all of us with their heart touching and very emotional act with the way they depicted beautiful relationship of husband and wife throughout life.

Most Naughty Couple

Ritu and Vineet – For their Naagin Dance performance, that stole attention from everyone else.


Most Compatible Couple

Nancy and Virinder – For their enactment of a husband-wife pair jokes that tickled everyone’s funny bone.

Most Charming Couple

Gurwinder and Diksha –For their thrilled and coordinated dance, they caught every eye in the evening.

The Skit!

Well, well, well. How could the party end without a dose of humor?

The genius of our Team Dikonia put together a great act depicting the events that unfurl when a new project arrives at Dikonia.

Starting from the butter-coated talks when the client is prospecting about the company to the end result of the project, the skit quite humorously brought out the idiosyncrasies involved in every IT team.

The audience laughed their hearts out to the team’s performance and we bet that no one would be able to forget the skit any time soon.

Don’t miss out to watch the hidden talent of our office boy “BITTU”, check out over here to see his grooving movements.

Farewell Aditya Sir

Our tenured Business Development Executive, Aditya Bansal was with the team for one last day. He had decided to move ahead with his career and he delivered an amazing speech to the team.

He duly thanked Chhavi Ma’am, Sajal Sir, Vineet Sir (Team Lead) and everyone in the team for their contribution to his journey. He completed 3 long years at Dikonia and his contribution has been incredible!

Fare well Aditya Sir, may you reach the pinnacles you’ve always aimed for!  – The Team

And it was about time…

After a day full of delights, cheers, laughter, joy and celebration, the party was finally concluded. We are going to remember the day for a long time ahead!

May God bless Dikonia with more such delightful moments, happier clients, winning projects and reasons to celebrate!