With smartphones outnumbering humans on the planet, it’s more important than ever to capture this increasingly popular market.

And what better than a mobile app to expand your business among the tech-savvy generation. If you’re the decision making authority for your business, you must know what factors to consider while getting the mobile app made.

Factors Map: Things You Need to Consider Before Getting Your Mobile App Made

  • Use Case of the Application
  • What function does your application serve?
  • How complex is the use case?
  • Cost of Development
  • How many functions does the app serve?
  • Performance and Security features required.
  • The technology stack you use.
  • Time required to Build the App.
  • The Intended Audience
  • The OS platforms you’re targeting such as Android, iOS, Windows or all three.
  • If a web counterpart is required.
  • Innovation
  • Are there any present models on which the app can be based upon?
  • What unique features would be integrated into the app?
  • What kind of real-life problems will the app solve?

By finding answers to the questions asked in the above map, you’ll have a fair idea of what you’re aiming at. You will have a blueprint of your app that will be much more detailed than just an idea, and you’ll be in a much better position to go about the development procedure.

Now, mobile apps come in different shapes and sizes, and so does the development techniques. It’s very necessary to understand which one is the best for your business and use case.

There are three basic types of Mobile Apps

  • Native Mobile Apps
  • Hybrid Mobile Apps
  • Progressive Web Apps for Mobile

In simplest of terms, the native mobile apps are the ones that are specifically designed for Android or iOS.

Hybrids Apps are the ones that are developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and Javascript but can be converted into any of the mobile platforms such as Android, iOS or WebView.

Until now, there was quite a difference between the performance of Hybrid mobile apps and Native Mobile apps, but there’s a new player in town to change things around – React Native.

React Native

React Native is a type of Javascript Android App Development technique which brings together the best of both worlds to your app – Native and Hybrid.

It’s an open source technology owned and maintained by Facebook which allows you to develop Mobile Apps that run as slick as Native Apps but have a hybrid development procedure.

This enables you to extract a number of benefits from the technique. We are a bunch of experienced react native developers, and we’d like to tell you a few reasons how you can save resources and speed up development using React Native.

react native developer in india

Publish Cross Platform Apps Using Single Code Base

When a developer codes an app in React Native, they use Javascript to do so. This code can be compiled in various types of ways to either use it for Android or iOS.

If you’re planning to launch your apps in React Nativeyou’d be able to publish them on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store without having to recode them all together again.

Hence, the React Native developers wouldn’t need to code in OS specific languages and using just one code base, the app can be suited to two different platforms. The complexity of the app further depends upon your use case but the combined time to develop two apps is reduced.

Also read, Is react native different from react JS?

Business Benefit – This saves you the time and resources required for building two apps for two platforms.

Development costs are reduced and you can increase the speed of development, getting your app faster from wireframe to market.   

Better Performance than Hybrid Frameworks

There are many other hybrid frameworks that allow you to build apps using Javascript android app development, but most of them heavily compromise on performance.

Apps in React Native don’t do so, because they bring together the best of Hybrid Apps and Native Apps together. Which means

                                                                         Lightweight Apps Easier Development


                                                                         Increased Performance Native Features

This means even though you’ll be building an app using Javascript (which offer faster development), you won’t make a severe compromise on the app’s performance, which is great news for Startups, who look for the most resourceful solutions.

Business Benefit – For Startups looking to build an app for promoting their business directly, React Native can be a nice asset.

If you’re an e-commerce vendor, Food Delivery App, Chat/Messenger App, Customer Experience App etc – apps that don’t have too many things going on in them, as seen in the popular app Pokemon Go App, you can get much better performance with your money.

Readily Integrates with Other Hybrid Apps

If you ask React Native developers, what’s the best part of using the technology, they’d say that they can use it in pre-built apps as well.

Basically, if you have an app that was built in some other hybrid framework such as Ionic etc, you can use React Native to upgrade the app’s UI without converting the whole app to React Native.

React Native

This is a great advantage over any other mobile development technique as it saves a lot of developer’s time and effort while redesigning of the app. You will need redesign from time to time and using React Native, it just becomes easier to do so.

Business Benefit – Redesign your existing app with React Native and get better performance without making a new app altogether.

Fuse Native Elements with Hybrid Elements Smoothly

One of the most unique features of apps in React Native, is that they fuse directly with Native code.

For instance, if you have an app written in C/JAVA or Swift, you can use simple Javascript for writing your app without altering the C/JAVA or Swift code.

React Native code directly overlaps with the native code, allowing you to work with Native code wherever required and write Javascript at other places. This makes your quite efficient as you’re not making an app that’s bulky and utilizes the code bases smartly.

This further improves app delivery times as the testing procedures and debugging becomes faster. Native apps are known for their slow QA times and using React Native, you save yourself from that hassle.

Benefits – Make even lesser compromises on the features you usually can’t use in Hybrid App Development.

Strong Community Support

Since its release, React Native has been experiencing some strong community support for React Apps for Startups. It’s one of the most popular language on Github and Stack Exchange, backed by a thriving community of React Native experienced developers who are constantly working together to improve it.

Then there’s support from Facebook developers in maintaining the app base and improvise it further after the overwhelming response it has received. This ensures a great deal of confidence as a framework to choose for your next app!

Business Benefit – Easier to find resolutions for technical problems.

Better scope for experimentation and finding solutions to the logical anomalies that may exist in business use case.

Better scope for innovation.

React Apps for Startups

Dikonia houses React Native experienced developers with lot of hands on project experience to help you make your new app for Startup. We recently helped three startups to launch their apps in the market and shoot off their Business.

Contact us to discuss your requirements and let’s make you a React Native app too!