Why Coustomer Testimonials Are Important And How You Can Get Them!

Are you aware, how much powerful testimonials are? People nowadays, only purchase a product or avail services which have been highly recommended by its previous buyers. And that is made by the testimonials only.You might know customers’ feedbacks are important but getting them on your website can really be a difficult task. Many entrepreneurs simply end up with the conclusion that their customers are not interested in writing any review. But they don’t even try to find out if they are making any mistake in the process.

Here, we will let you know why customer testimonials are important and how you can get more customer reviews/testimonials on your site:

1. Use quick CTA (Call to Action):

If you are expecting your customers will find out your business on Google by themselves and then searching for ‘where to add reviews’ on your website, is your biggest mistake. Because today, nobody seems interested to spend even a minute for someone else. So, trying using quick CTAs (Call-to-Actions) while asking them via sending an email or messaging through LinkedIn.

Look at the screenshot below, where Google is allowing our customers to directly click at “Write a Review” button and just ending up with their personal thoughts about the product or service we had offered them.

2. Use Mobile Friendly Approach:

It’s not uncommon that mobile users have been increased up to 75% comparing with desktop users. Offering your customers, a mobile friendly approach for adding their feedback will allow you to get more reviews without making more efforts.

3. Keep it Short:

People feel happy to contribute in short surveys. So, make sure your testimonial section is not bogged down with more details else you will lose those customers without giving any feedback.

Using simple review process with 2 or 3 steps max, has been proved as a successful approach with 90% success rate.

4. Offering Rewards on Reviewing:

Today, everyone wants something in return for anything they do for someone else. So, customers are more likely to review your business if they will get some stuff back. So, give your customers a final push by offering them certain rewards that could be reward points or coupons to be redeem while future purchasing of any product or service whatever you are offering.

5. Always Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated:

As soon as you finalize a deal with your client, make them happy by sending a thank you note via personal email. They feel appreciated with the way you will respond them and impact your BRAND positively.

Additionally, you can mention in the email for writing a satisfying feedback for your business that will indicate your gratefulness for their encouraging words.

What to do now?

Go ahead and plan a strategy right now. Ask your clients to share their experience with you. They’ll really love helping you to make other people know, how proficient you are.

Missed to write your review for us? Click here to write a quick feedback on your experience with us.