Developing a mobile application is very confusing as there are various technologies available for this. Moreover, every company needs to determine the best type of app according to the type of business. So the companies need to decide whether they have to build a native app or a hybrid app. The choice depends on the budget, the target audience and the deadline.

Let us understand the difference between native and hybrid apps.


Native apps are the apps designed for a particular platform such as iOS, Android etc. Given below are some of the features of native apps.

  • The performance of native apps is faster and more efficient than hybrid apps.

  • The development language is Objective C for iOS and Java for Android.

  • Some native apps can even be used without an internet connection.

  • Native apps follow specific UI/UX standards for creating the applications.

  • These are only accessible through app stores which makes the security stronger.


Hybrid apps are created to be used on multiple platforms. The important features of hybrid apps are :

  • The development of hybrid apps is faster and simpler.

  • The development languages used are HTML5, CSS and Javascript.

  • These are easier to maintain as they have only one codebase.

  • These apps can also be used offline but uploading data is not possible without an internet connection.

  • There are visual and interactive programs such as games and 3D animation.

Hybrid apps also have some disadvantages. These apps have a slower performance and never offer the user a full native experience.


To choose between hybrid and native apps, one must understand the difference between these two. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Both have some unique features. So the decision to choose depends entirely on your business requirements.

Dikonia is a top digital marketing company which deals in all kinds of native or hybrid mobile application development. Contact for the best services.